Add our school code to your Remind App for important messages from the school office. School Code: @bwschool
over 4 years ago, Hiedi Witcher
Remind Image
@WGutierrez_ , our school psychologist and PBIS team lead led our team through creating our some SEL and our virtual student support plan. @MaryLop17539081 @susanae52797988 @ChrisLaFever2 @MissDPayne2 @Missmaldonado24 #1townschoocommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
@Teach_Turpin_24 and @teachlopez123 were working with our students to tryout and get use to our new video conferencing with @goguardian. Our teachers have incorporated team teaching during parts of the day. #1townschoolcommunity @SmallSchoolDA
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Go Guardian Test Run
Huge kudos to our Kinder team that includes @tracietwiford & @crazyinkinder. First day with Chromebooks & they had the students online. Our teachers made K students a special start of the year shirt. @caedpartners @kcsos #1townschoolcommunity @smallschoolda
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
k shirt back
k shirt front
K instruction
Thanks to our P3CC team for joining @caedpartners , Dr. Megan Franke and 127 educators (from 11 districts throughout CA) on Friday afternoon. Our team focuses on math alignment in grades Preschool-3. @karen35836549 @crazyinkinder14 Tina Richardson @Msgonzalez_2nd @ClaraYanez2
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
It is all hands on deck in BW as our instructional aides were given Chromebooks to assist with student intervention. Great to see so many staff interacting on the behalf of all students. @SmallSchoolDA @nrea1 @KcsosStrong @kcsos #1townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
instructional aides
A great start in BW. We have a few kinks to work out, but that's normal. Good things happening in classrooms. Connections with our students are number 1. @mrguzmanbw9 @clintonjparris1 Miss Richardson @middle7miss @caruraled @caedpartners @tonythurmond @kcsos @smallschoolda
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
It is a mic drop for BW. After 100% of our computers were returned from last year we sanitized & handed out 97.3% of all computers & materials for PS - 8 today. Let's hear it for smalls and rurals and their ability to quickly adapt. @smallschoolda @nrea1@caruraled @ccee @cadepted
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Gumby and Roady student
Gumby and Roady-staff
It's happening in BW. We are distributing Chromebooks, books & supplies. Staff are seeing their students to hand them their materials. First day schedule starts tomorrow morning on-line. Check your Remind app and book bag today. @smallschoolda #1townschoolcommunity @rudysalasjr
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
info in bags
material handout
The BW staff returned to campus today in a virtual staff meeting. Roady, our mascot, was joined by his buddies Gumby & Mr. Packard. They reminded everyone we will be flexible when the school year starts Aug. 5. @smallschoolda @nrea1 @caruraled @ACSAREGION_11#townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Roady, Gumby, Mr. Packard
Great job BW! Teachers are back on campus in grade levels & evaluating where students are performing. We are focusing on writing & standards in the upcoming school year for stopping the so called COVID Slide. Flexible Gumbys are present. #1townschoolcommunity @smallschoolda
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
1 and 2
Let's get this thing started. We are off to a great, but unusual first day with our 1st & 2nd year teachers. Everyone got their bendable Gumby to remind us that we are flexible in Buttonwillow. @smallschoolda @nrea1 @caruraled @rural_schools #1townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
1st and 2 Years 2020
BW makes health & safety a priority. We dropped off our student Chromebooks that were returned after usage in the spring & summer school. We partnered with @sts_technology to provide hospital grade disinfecting of computers before the start of school. @smallschoolda @cagovernor
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
sts drop off
BW is part of the original 9 pilot schools with @KCSOS and @Hoonuit, a national company. This article was a customer spotlight on the Hoonuit webpage. #1townschoolcommunity @smallschoolda @caruraled
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Computer Return Reminder-Thursday, June 24th and Friday, June 25th are the last days to return Chromebooks, Chargers, Hot Spots, and Textbooks. Students may be charged for items not returned. Also last day to pick-up items left in classroom, anything left will be discarded.
over 4 years ago, Hiedi Witcher
Just a reminder. We need parent surveys completed. All names will be put in a drawing to win 1 of 7 Buttonwillow: One School One Town One Community shirt. Survey available at or by scanning the attached code.
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
win one
scan open survey
It may be summer but the Special Education Team continues to work together to plan for next year. Looking out for the needs of students is a continued priority. Scheduling, meeting goals, and doing what is in the best interest of students is job 1. #1townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
SPED Meeting
We would like each family to complete the survey regarding the start of school. You may use this link ( )scan the attached QR code or simply wait for the flyer next Monday which will have all the same information. @smallschoolda @nrea1
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Parent Survey Flyer
Parent Survey Flyer
Asst. Superintendent shares names of students who received Graduation Awards
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Our 8th Grade Student Body President Gives 8th Grade Graduation Speech #1townschoolcommunity @FrontierTitans
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard