Winners of our weekly performance, engagement, attendance and/or PE drawings were announced today on the Remind App. Please read your message to check to see if your child may have won a prize.
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Sept 25 Prizes
This week's teacher meeting focus was to share strategies in math in breakout rooms. First in small grade span teams and then with school wide teams. We are developing a greater coherence in math from PS-8th. #1townschoolcommunity #p3cc #ontrack8th @caedpartners @meganlfranke
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Math Meeting
Today we had the pleasure of walking in and seeing the great work being done by @Msgonzalez_2nd and @Missturm. Thank you for the great lessons and positive interactions with your students. @SmallSchoolDA #1townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Proud of our #P3CC team that is creating coherence in our PS-3rd grade math instruction w/ @caedpartners. Thanks today to @karen35836549 @crazyinkinder14 @bw_richardson @Msgonzalez_2nd & @ClaraYanez2 @meganlfranke @keyurharenshah and @LuisEArgueta #1townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Next steps P3CC
Thank you Dana Baugh for 12 years as the Administrative Assistant & to Sue Watkins for 19 years of service. Magdalena Pola joins BW as the Special Ed/Attendance Secretary, Susana Espinoza as a 3rd grade teacher, & Tierney Ballard will be our new Administrative Assistant.
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Dana and Sue
Dana and Sue w/ School Board
Magdalena, Susana, and Tierney
Grief counselors will continue to be on campus through the day. Thank you to @KCSOS for providing this assistance to our families & students. Shafter High also has their team here to assist any high school students. TY @General_Pride for the great relationship between our schools
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
There was a tragic accident Friday evening. A current student was killed & a former student was seriously hurt. The second student was airlifted to Madera & will survive. Grief counseling provided today by trained professionals. Permission slip:
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Our BW Office staff appreciates the efforts that every staff member at school makes each day. "We'll be there for you."- "The Friends Edition" Thank you for the production @paularreola5 #1townschoolcommunity @caedpartners @smallschoolda @NREA1
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Office Band
Communication between grade levels and cross grade level teams remain crucial for our BW staff to focus on ways to improve lesson delivery. #1townschoolcommunity @caedpartners @SmallSchoolDA @nrea1
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
A great thing about walking around the BW campus each day is seeing the energy of our staff members motivating students. Today we watched Miss Luisa, @karen35836549 & @isabelv4 singing & dancing with PS students. Yesterday it was Miss Mary. @caedpartners #1townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Mary Dancing
PS Dancing
Incorporating the @ViewSonic interactive TVs along with @Microsoft Surface computers and @goguardian for student security and video conferencing with students has been a plus for BW students. Thanks for sharing your monitors @teachlopez123. #1townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Lopez monitors
Our SPED team really reaches out to families. Thanks @SkowronSam for letting us Zoom bomb your class and connect with students. Our entire staff are pros & been given the opportunity to find the times that work best for families. @SmallSchoolDA @nrea1 @rudysalasjr @caedpartners
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
sam w speech
Our MOT team continues to work on improvements around the campus while our students are working remotely. MOT are in the middle of a project to install our new drinking fountains/filling stations around the campus. Patching and painting to follow. #1townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
This is what it looks like when you prepare weekly materials for 40 preschool students. Materials include games & manipulatives that are turned in each week, sanitized & sent out 7 days later. Thank you @sitelogiq for the bags. #1townschoolcommunity @rudysalasjr @smallschoolda
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Weekly Bags
Axel's Bag
Watch this video in Spanish if you have not downloaded the Remind App. Make sure your friends with students at Buttonwillow have the app also and are connected with their child's teacher. The video was done by @clarayanez2 and @MsGonzalez_2 .
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Remind App Logo
Distance Learning Awards Click on the link below to see how and when you can earn awards for attending class, participating, completing your work, and logging into PE. Types of awards are listed on the flyer.
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Distance Learning Awards
The Behavior Support Team created a matrix of Virtual Learning Expectations . It ( ) shows how BEEP Virtual points are earned. A specific goal weekly and drawings for college gear, sports equipment, and gift cards each month. #1townschoolcommunity
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Semper Gumby
It is great to walk into classrooms and see great first instruction and intervention happening in all grades. Incorporating computers and interactive TVs has been producing great results. #1townschoolcommunity @RuralEdTech @ACSARegion_11 @Rural_Schools @ClintonJParris1 @AdmmomH
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Mr parrish
Some special dance moves from all that have played a part in getting our preschool students registered and in class with great opportunities to learn during the past 16 days. @smallschoolda @kcsos @caruraled @caedpartners @cap_Kern @first5kern
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Roady & Gumby are proud of our students, families & teachers flexibility. @missturm reading w/ students, @rockin_in_5th working w/ student teacher @cindyclinton14 in a 5/6 combination class, @danathompson59 continues great things #1townschoolcommunity @caruraled @caedpartners
over 4 years ago, Stuart Packard
Vinton and Alavarez
Gumby and Roady